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Highly efficient and effective solar rooftop systems

Lume Solar helps you with the feasibility check, which is usually financial as well as geographical. However, we also assist you beyond the financial feasibility, as there are a lot of geo lead feasibility checks. We are listing them below to help you to make up your mind if you are considering installing a rooftop solar system

Shadow casting objects near your roof

The best way to check is to walk on your solar rooftop and see the shadows on it. If there are nearby objects such as trees, pillars, poles which cast a lot of shadows, then it will not be good. Shadow casting objects tend to reduce the solar output from your solar rooftop system. However, an accurate shadow analysis will be done by our expert team. And there is quite a possibility that even though there are shadow casting objects, they may not come in the way of your solar rooftop system.

Ownership of the roof

Unless you have the requisite rights of the rooftop, you will not be able to enjoy the benefits and savings of the system. For this, an independent house owner is an ideal solar rooftop customer.

However, if you stay in a society or an apartment, you should speak to your RWA or the builder to install solar rooftop on the building. So that not just you but the entire building can enjoy the benefits of solar power.

The condition of the Rooftop

While you may own rights to your solar rooftop, its conditioning is required to be at least moderate. Since solar panels are mounted on metallic structures, the rooftop should be able to bear the weight of the entire system. If you are already seeing cracks on your rooftop, you are better advised to repair the rooftop before going for a solar roof.

However, the condition of your rooftop can be accessed very accurately when you opt for a site survey for your system by Lume Solar experts. Who can then make a better judgement whether the rooftop is conducive for installation or not.

Quality of the Equipment

Premium solar rooftop systems last at least 25 years and therefore your benefits are maximized when you go for a high rated system that has been tested, certified and has a good reputation in the market. It is owing to this that at Lume we only use Tier 1 inverters and solar panels which are rated across the world and are of good make.

You should not compromise on the quality for saving a couple of thousand Rupees here and there because in the long run, a high-quality solar system will be worth its weight in gold.

Financing Options

While the economics of going solar is far more favorable now. But the solar system is still a onetime expense. Therefore, you should explore financing options too in case you want to go solar and are unable to afford the system right away. At Lume Solar, we allow our customers to build their own payment plans and several financing options so that you don’t have to wait for a solar system due to financial constraints.

At Lume Solar, we take care of each of the above five points for our clients in the most customized fashion. Right from a high-tech site survey to an engineering solution then installation to financing and then commissioning, it is only right to say that Lume Solar is your perfect solar partner. So what are you waiting for? Let’s GoSolar.

Get a free consultation on Solar Rooftop today!

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